What can we say? Traffic Exchanges, well if your a Google
Adsense Publisher or run ads for any business of making money off of your
traffic then Traffic Exchanges are to be avoided. Especially if your a Google
Adsense Publisher this is a big no and is a violation of Google Adsense TOS. If
you run any website any blog running Google Adsense Ads your account will be
banned and terminated. Don’t try and cheat the Google Adsense system because it
will not work. Traffic Exchanges are the poor mans traffic, basically you surf
for every page you view for 15 seconds and 30 seconds you get a view in return
for the same amount of time. So it’s fast free traffic to your website blog or
Clickbank Affiliate link. But it is something that is frowned upon in the
industry unless your into that whole niche of traffic exchanges and making money
off of that niche or getting referrals to programs such as Neobux or other bux
sites etc.
The Traffic generated from traffic exchanges like easyhits4u traffic witch etc can bring you a lot of traffic very fast and even if you don’t want to sit there and surf for hours on end, you can pay for 100 Hits, 500 Hits, 1,000 Hits, So On And So Fourth. Even though it’s frowned upon traffic that really won’t get you sales it will however get your website blog or affiliate link in higher ranking in the search engines because of the amount of hits your recieving. So if your looking to get a fast start we would suggest using a traffic exchange for the first week your blog or website is new mostly not surfing but buy 5,000 to 10,000 credits making your website blog or affiliate link get 1,000 to 2,000 hits a day for the first week. Then again, you can use traffic exchanges this way each and every time as a test run to see how well your banner ads or articles may be doing on your website or blog via this technique.
So To Traffic Exchange or to not? The choice is up to you really. We suggest using it for the first week your blog website or affiliate link is new. This way you’ll be getting traffic but without having to sit there and surf for hours on end, it’s easier to buy credits or hits to your website blog or affiliate link than it is to sit there and spread up your credits you’ve earned from surfing for hour or nine hours. The best site for Traffic exchanges is Easyhits4u because it’s safe, free, and easy to use anyone just getting into affiliate marketing and using Clickbank can use this site to their full advantage and if you get into Bux Sites and Referral Marketing then sites like Easyhits4u Trafficwitch, etc are good choices in getting referrals and sales for that niche. Maybe the poor mans traffic but has hidden gems if you use it right.
The Traffic generated from traffic exchanges like easyhits4u traffic witch etc can bring you a lot of traffic very fast and even if you don’t want to sit there and surf for hours on end, you can pay for 100 Hits, 500 Hits, 1,000 Hits, So On And So Fourth. Even though it’s frowned upon traffic that really won’t get you sales it will however get your website blog or affiliate link in higher ranking in the search engines because of the amount of hits your recieving. So if your looking to get a fast start we would suggest using a traffic exchange for the first week your blog or website is new mostly not surfing but buy 5,000 to 10,000 credits making your website blog or affiliate link get 1,000 to 2,000 hits a day for the first week. Then again, you can use traffic exchanges this way each and every time as a test run to see how well your banner ads or articles may be doing on your website or blog via this technique.
So To Traffic Exchange or to not? The choice is up to you really. We suggest using it for the first week your blog website or affiliate link is new. This way you’ll be getting traffic but without having to sit there and surf for hours on end, it’s easier to buy credits or hits to your website blog or affiliate link than it is to sit there and spread up your credits you’ve earned from surfing for hour or nine hours. The best site for Traffic exchanges is Easyhits4u because it’s safe, free, and easy to use anyone just getting into affiliate marketing and using Clickbank can use this site to their full advantage and if you get into Bux Sites and Referral Marketing then sites like Easyhits4u Trafficwitch, etc are good choices in getting referrals and sales for that niche. Maybe the poor mans traffic but has hidden gems if you use it right.
Translate Malay Language
Apa yang kita boleh katakan? Pertukaran Trafik , juga jika Penerbit Google Adsense atau iklan anda untuk mana-mana perniagaan membuat wang dari lalu lintas anda kemudian Pertukaran Trafik adalah perlu dielakkan. Terutamanya jika Penerbit Google Adsense anda ini adalah besar tidak dan adalah melanggar TOS Google Adsense . Jika anda menjalankan apa-apa laman web mana-mana blog berjalan Google Adsense Iklan akaun anda akan diharamkan dan ditamatkan. Jangan cuba menipu sistem Google Adsense kerana ia tidak akan berfungsi. Pertukaran Trafik adalah trafik Mans miskin , pada dasarnya anda melayari untuk setiap laman yang anda lihat selama 15 saat dan 30 saat anda mendapatkan gambaran yang sebagai balasan untuk jumlah yang sama. Jadi ia cepat trafik percuma ke blog laman web anda atau link affiliate Clickbank . Tetapi ia adalah sesuatu yang asing sebelum ini dalam industri itu melainkan jika anda ke dalam itu niche seluruh pertukaran lalu lintas dan membuat wang dari niche itu atau mendapatkan rujukan kepada program-program seperti Neobux atau laman web lain dan lain-lain Bux
Trafik dihasilkan daripada pertukaran lalu lintas seperti easyhits4u sihir trafik lain-lain boleh membawa anda banyak lalu lintas yang sangat cepat dan walaupun anda tidak mahu duduk di sana dan melayari untuk jam di hujung, anda boleh membayar 100 Hits , 500 Hits , Hits 1,000 , sebagainya dan Keempat. Walaupun ia disukai lalu lintas yang benar-benar tidak akan mendapatkan anda jualan bagaimanapun ia akan mendapat blog laman web anda atau link affiliate di kedudukan yang lebih tinggi dalam enjin carian kerana jumlah hits recieving anda. Jadi, jika anda mencari untuk mendapatkan permulaan yang cepat kita akan mencadangkan menggunakan pertukaran trafik untuk minggu pertama blog atau laman web anda yang baru kebanyakannya tidak melayari tetapi membeli 5,000 hingga 10,000 kredit membuat blog laman web anda atau link affiliate mendapatkan 1,000 hingga 2,000 hits sehari untuk minggu pertama. Kemudian lagi, anda boleh menggunakan pertukaran trafik cara ini setiap masa sebagai ujian jangka untuk melihat sejauh mana iklan banner anda atau barang boleh melakukan di laman web atau blog anda melalui teknik ini.
Jadi Untuk Pertukaran Trafik atau tidak? Pilihan adalah terpulang kepada anda benar-benar. Kami mencadangkan menggunakannya untuk minggu pertama laman web blog anda atau link affiliate yang baru . Dengan cara ini anda akan mendapat trafik tetapi tanpa perlu duduk di sana dan melayari untuk jam di hujung, ia lebih mudah untuk membeli kredit atau hits ke blog laman web anda atau link affiliate daripada ia adalah untuk duduk di sana dan merebak sehingga kredit anda, anda telah memperoleh dari melayari untuk jam atau sembilan jam. Tapak terbaik untuk pertukaran Trafik adalah Easyhits4u kerana ia selamat, percuma, dan mudah untuk digunakan sesiapa hanya mendapat ke dalam pemasaran affiliate dan menggunakan Clickbank boleh menggunakan laman web ini untuk faedah penuh dan jika anda masuk ke Laman Bux dan Rujukan Pemasaran maka laman seperti Easyhits4u Trafficwitch , dan lain-lain adalah pilihan yang baik untuk mendapatkan rujukan dan jualan untuk niche itu. Mungkin trafik Mans miskin tetapi telah tersembunyi permata jika anda menggunakan dengan betul.
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